Inspire Every One, Every Day

New School Hours for 2024-2025 7:30-2:25

Inspire Every One, Every Day

2024-2025 School Information

Welcome to Blevins Video

Blevins is a Project Based Learning School

Click Here to Learn More About Blevins

Blevins 5th Grade Transition Information


STEM-X At Blevins This Summer

STEM-X 2025 - Blevins Middle School is proud to host this camp for the first time this summer from June 9-13th. STEM-X is a fun, exploratory, hands-on all day summer camp offered by Poudre School District for incoming 4th through incoming 8th graders.

 Join our Insiders' List for updated information about the STEM-X Summer Camp. Insiders' List emails will include information on camp registration (opening in April), classes, general information, and other relevant updates.


6th Grade Becoming A Bruin Summer Program

We are thrilled to present you with an amazing opportunity for your incoming 6th grade student over the summer! The Becoming a Bruin summer program is an exciting collaboration between the 21st Century Out of School Time Program (Bruin Club) and Blevins Middle School! Incoming 6th graders will be able to take part in project-based learning and enrichments while becoming comfortable and confident on Blevins’ campus.

Becoming a Bruin will be held at Blevins Middle School and will run from July 21st, 2025-July 31st, 2025. The programs will run from 7 am-2:30 pm, Monday - Thursday. Students are welcome to register for one of the two sections of this program. Breakfast and Lunch will be available to all students who attend along with transportation if needed.

Registration will be open from March 31st to May 1st. An email and text reminder will be sent on March 31st with the registration link!

If you have any questions, please contact ELO Secondary Area Specialist Izzy Crume at or (970)657-6612 or ELO Coordinator Rachel Pollack at or (970)566-2618


¡Estamos encantados de presentarle una oportunidad increíble para su estudiante de 6º grado durante el verano! ¡El programa de verano Becoming a Bruin es una emocionante colaboración entre el Programa de Tiempo Fuera de la Escuela del Siglo 21 (Bruin Club) y la Escuela Secundaria Blevins! Los estudiantes de 6º grado podrán participar en el aprendizaje y los enriquecimientos basados en proyectos mientras se sienten cómodos y seguros en el campus de Blevins.

Becoming a Bruin se llevará a cabo en la Escuela Secundaria Blevins y se llevará a cabo del 21 de julio de 2025 al 31 de julio de 2025. Los programas se llevarán a cabo de 7 a.m. a 2:30 p.m., de lunes a jueves. Los estudiantes son bienvenidos a inscribirse en una de las

dos secciones de este programa. El desayuno y el almuerzo estarán disponibles para todos los estudiantes que asistan, junto con el transporte si es necesario.

Las inscripciones estarán abiertas del 31 de marzo al 1 de mayo. ¡Se enviará un recordatorio por correo electrónico y mensaje de texto el 31 de marzo con el enlace de registro!

Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Especialista del Área Secundaria de ELO, Izzy Crume, al o (970)657-6612 o con la Coordinadora de ELO, Rachel Pollack, al o al (970)566-2618


Bruin Club Spring Schedule

The Bruin Club is excited to share our Spring 2025 schedule! Clubs will begin on Monday, March 24th, and run through Thursday, May 1st. Programs will take place Monday through Thursday, from 2:25 PM to 5:00 PM. All students attending Bruin Club must be picked up by 5:00 p.m. If you anticipate being late, please notify us no later than 5:05 p.m.

To Participate: All students must have a completed Permission to Participate form on file before joining any Bruin Club activities. If you’ve already submitted a form for your student, no additional form is required. Forms can be found in the Blevins Main Office.


Homework Help 


Creative Workshop 

Music and Beat Making 

GSA (Gender Sexuality Alliance) 


Homework Help

Art Club

Dungeons and Dragons

Girls Who Cod (GEMS)



Homework Help


Messy Science

Dungeons and Dragons



Homework Help


Yarn Arts


Baking & Cooking

If you have any questions regarding Bruin Club, please contact Izzy Crume at (970)657-6612 or email


2025-2026 6th Grade Registration

Welcome to Blevins Middle School! We are excited to welcome your student and help them transition smoothly into 6th grade. The week of February 10th, our Blevins team visited our feeder elementary schools (Bauder, Beattie, Bennett, and Olander) to introduce students to middle school life and discuss course registration. If your student attends one of these schools, they should already have received information about their options. That presentation as well as other helpful information can be found here

Below are the important details for registration and elective selection.

6th Grade Electives

At Blevins, all 6th graders have the opportunity to experience the full variety of elective courses we offer throughout the year, including art, technology, physical education, and more. We have students take all of these options in 6th grade with the ability to specialize in 7th & 8th grade. For 6th graders, the only elective choice students make is their music course, as this selection determines the order and length of their other elective rotations.

Step 1: Choose a Music Course

To help your student make their music selection, please review our 6th Grade Course Guide:
[6th Grade Course Guide (English)]
[6th Grade Course Guide (Español)]

Step 2: Submit Music Course Selection

Once you’ve reviewed the course guide, please enter your student’s music choice using the form below:

📝 Course Registration Form (6th Grade) 

Need Help?

If you have any questions about electives, registration, or the School of Choice process, please contact:

Brian Crego, Registrar


📞 970-488-4008

Anna Burris, School Counselor
📞 970-488-4091

If you or your student have already completed the form and you are on our rolls, then no further action is needed! We look forward to an exciting year ahead and can’t wait to see your student at Blevins!






Rebellion is nigh in Matilda JR., a gleefully witty ode to the anarchy of childhood and the power of imagination! This story of a girlwho dreams of a better life and the children she inspires will have you rooting for the "revolting children" who are out to teach the grown-ups a lesson.

Matilda has astonishing wit, intelligence... and special powers! She's unloved by her cruel parents but impresses her schoolteacher, the highly loveable Miss Honey. Matilda's school life isn't completely smooth sailing, however.  The school's mean headmistress, Miss Trunchbull, hates children and just loves thinking up new punishments for those who don't abide by her rules. But Matilda has courage and cleverness in equal amounts and could be the school pupils' saving grace!


Friday, 2 May at 7:00 pm

Saturday, 3 May at 3:00 pm

Friday, 9 May at 7:00 pm (Select Understudies take lead roles)

Saturday, 10 May at 3:00 pm

(Tickets are not on sale at this time)


8th Grade Registration for 9th Grade at Rocky Mountain High School

The time for 9th grade registration has begun! No matter the high school your 8th grader will be attending, we will be working at Blevins to best support students in the big transition ahead. We wanted to make sure we communicated our plan, as well as provide resources for the registration process at each high school. Please see our 9th grade registration information page on the Blevins counseling website for important upcoming dates and additional information.

  • January 23rd 8:00-8:30 Rocky Mountain HS counselors will be coming to present information on 9th grade registration. Students will be given course registration documents during this time.
  • February 5th 8:30-9:30 Students will be turning in their course registration materials for Rocky counselors to look over.

  • April 28th 9:30-11:00 8th Graders will visit Rocky Mountain High School.


5th Grade Transition Dates and Information

  • Blevins offers a one -time tour and shadow visit for any student interested in attending Blevins 
    for the 2025-2026 school year. Please call our Main office at (970) 488-4000 to schedule.
  • School of Choice First Consideration Deadline December 16, 2024 by 12:00pm
  • Middle School Counselors will Visit Elementary Schools Week of Feb. 10-14, 2025
    • Blevins Counselors will visit the four Feeder Elementary Schools (Bauder, Beattie, Bennett & Olander). If your students does not attend one of these, you can visit the 6th grade transition website for registration information and slideshow.
  • Instrument Try Out Night: Spring 2025 (Exact Date TBD)
    This night is for students who have signed up for Band or Orchestra for 6th grade. Students will try different instruments and parents will get more information.
  • 5th Grade Students Visit Blevins Friday, May 9 2025 9:30-11:00 A.M. (All 5th grade students will be visiting their future middle schools).

5th Grade Transition Dates Flyer




March 14th Blevins Bulletin

March 7th Blevins Bulletin

February 28th Blevins Bulletin

February 21st Blevins Bulletin

February 14th Blevins Bulletin

February 7th Blevins Bulletin

January 31st Blevins Bulletin

January 24th Blevins Bulletin

January 17th Blevins Bulletin

January 10th Blevins Bulletin

December 20th Blevins Bulletin

December 13th Blevins Bulletin

December 6th Blevins Bulletin

November 22nd Blevins Bulletin

November 15th Blevins Bulletin

November 8th Blevins Bulletin

November 1st Blevins Bulletin

October 25th Blevins Bulletin

October 17th Blevins Bulletin

October 11th Blevins Bulletin

October 4th Blevins Bulletin

September 27th Blevins Bulletin

September 20th Blevins Bulletin

September 13th Blevins Bulletin

September 6th Blevins Bulletin

August 30th Blevins Bulletin

August 23rd Blevins Bulletin

August 16th Blevins Bulletin

August 9th Blevins Bulletin

August 1st Blevins Bulletin


2024-2025 SUPPLY LISTS

6th Grade

7th Grade

8th Grade





  • 7:10-7:25 Breakfast Served (for those who want it)
  • 7:30 Period 1 Starts
  • 2:25 School Ends

Daily Schedule

UPDATED Silver & Burgundy Calendar



Students are back at school making new memories with their friends! Be sure to order the one book that captures the activities, spirit, and unique qualities of your child’s school. Visit to order the 2025 Yearbook now so your student does not miss out!

¡Los estudiantes están de regreso en la escuela creando nuevos recuerdos con sus amigos! Asegúrese de pedir el libro que capture las actividades, el espíritu y las cualidades únicas de la escuela de su hijo. ¡Visite para pedir el Anuario 2025 ahora para que su estudiante no se lo pierda!

You can order until all books are sold out!



*Click here for information on New Student Registration



Blevins 2023-2024 Student/Family Handbook


2024-2025 PTO Meeting Agendas/Notes

PTO Meeting Agendas/Notes


Hello Blevins Families,

I hope the new school year is starting well for you and your child!  We have seen so much positivity and engagement from our students, which has created a fantastic atmosphere for learning.

As you know, Blevins is dedicated to the academic success of our students and our own continuous improvement as a school.  A significant measure of progress comes each spring during CMAS testing (Colorado Measures of Academic Success).  The results have now been released and our students achieved and grew at incredible levels!

Here are some of our successes:

  • Students increased or maintained their achievement levels in all grades of Language Arts.
  • Overall, our students increased their achievement levels in Math by 3%.
  • Our achievement was higher than state average in 8th Grade Language Arts and all three grades in Math.
  • In 8th grade Science, our achievement was higher than pre-pandemic levels and higher than state average.
  • Math students grew at a higher rate than PSD averages in all three grade levels.
  • Our 8th grade Language Arts students grew at a higher rate than PSD average by 14.0 points and state by 18.0 points.
  • Students with IEPs grew at a higher rate than PSD average in Math and Language Arts, and grew at a higher rate than state average in Math.
  • Gifted students grew at a higher rate than PSD and state average in Math and Language Arts.

I share these successes because we are proud of our students and families, and to reiterate that we are committed to the success of every student who walks through our doors.

You may recall last school year that Blevins was given a Colorado performance framework rating of "Priority Improvement" for CMAS results in spring of '22.  As a school, we assessed ourselves and made further commitments to ensure we are supporting students in the best way that we can.  We implemented common strategies in every classroom, provided universal access to IXL to provide individualized student learning, and we sought ways to uniquely engage our students and make sure all feel they belong.  While we are committed to doing even more to continue our growth this year, I'm excited to share that we have received a new performance framework rating from Colorado: We have been given the designation of "Performance", which is the highest rating!

Thank you for your partnership and support.  We believe in every Bruin and couldn't be more proud of their accomplishments last year.  We are thrilled for what is ahead with our students this year as well!

Let's go, Bruins!

Joe Zappa, Principal

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.