The GT program at Blevins is thriving! We offer a range of enrichment opportunities, community partnerships, and student connections so that GT students have a variety of ways they can get involved, feel challenged and supported, and learn more about their own interests and passions.
Additionally, we are proud to say that our GT program also seeks to support the needs of every student! That’s why we are the ONLY middle school in the Poudre School District to screen all of 6th grade for possible identification of GT.
To learn more about our amazing program, please see the information below.
- If you still have questions about GT at Blevins, please contact Monica Jankow, Blevins GT Site Coordinator: mojankow@psdschools.org.
- If you have questions about GT in the Poudre School District, click HERE.
If you are looking for specific information regarding GT identification in the Poudre School District, click HERE.
Top 5 Reason Blevins GT Program is THE BEST
Don’t have time to fully dig into this page? Click HERE for a link to the highlighted points.
Universal Screener for 6th Graders
6th graders not already identified as GT take the Fall Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) for the following reasons:
- The information provided on the test results gives information about each students’ individual ways of learning. This is great to know for teachers AND parents/guardians.
- A qualifying score on the CogAT could lead to a possible GT identification that could have otherwise gone unnoticed.
ALP Goals
Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) are individualized and student created with one-on-one guidance and support from the GT site coordinator. GT Homeroom teachers and other staff members provide additional support.
GT Enrichments

Monthly enrichments with the GT site coordinator:
Once a month during the school day, students can choose to attend an activity that is geared towards either their academic, service-learning, or social-emotional needs and interests. These enrichments offer a range of hands-on activities or presentations that spark GT students’ curiosity and love of learning.
Field Trips:
We offer 2 field trips a year: one for all GT students and another just for 8th grade GT students.
Manic Mondays:
Every other Monday starting in November, students can come hang with their GT peers and GT site coordinator. During these Manic Mondays, GT students can play board/card games, work on ALP goals, or just socialize with other GT students and the GT site coordinator.
Grade-Level GT Homeroom:
We have grade-level GT Homerooms where students not only take part in the usual Homeroom lessons but also have time to check in on all things GT related (ALP goals, enrichments, other announcements, etc.).
Bruin Club:
The Blevins after school program, Bruin Club, is an excellent opportunity for GT students to explore their passions and interests. From gaming club to chess club, skateboarding club to improv club, just to name a few, there’s something for everyone!
Course Offerings
Project Based Learning (PBL) and Electives
With a wide range of courses, GT students are sure to be engaged and challenged in a number of ways and in an area of interest during PBL and Electives.
Accelerated Math
Students are placed into advanced math classes based on previous year's performance in math and teacher recommendation. A student does NOT need to be identified as Gifted and Talented in math to be placed in an accelerated math course. Click HERE for a link to more information on math pathways at Blevins.
Differentiated Instruction
All students will notice in all of their content-area classes that, whether they are identified as GT or not, they have a variety of differentiated options to extend and advance their learning. We believe this provides a rigorous, equitable learning experience for ALL students.
Parent/Guardian Partnership
Parents/guardians work alongside the GT site coordinator to best support students and are seen as a valuable member and friend of the GT team at Blevins. They are kept up to date with an informative quarterly newsletter as well as other communication as needed. Additionally, there are multiple ways parents/guardians can volunteer and be involved in ways that suit their availability, from chaperoning field trips to helping purchase GT supplies to sharing their job and/or passion with students during a monthly enrichment.