Inspire Every One, Every Day

New School Hours for 2024-2025 7:30-2:25

Inspire Every One, Every Day

About T.R. Blevins


Who was T. R. Blevins?

T. R. Blevins was a beloved educator in Fort Collins. He taught for 33 years at Fort Collins High School and Lincoln JHS.  Even in retirement, he was a substitute teacher until the age of 84.  He was a boy scout leader and active with the Masons and his church.  He coached basketball, football and track.  He served in the National Guard in 1916 and pursued Pancho Villa on the Mexican border.  He fought in WWI and was awarded the Silver Star.  He is remembered for one of his favorite sayings:  What is the largest room in the world?  The room for self improvement.  Blevins Middle School was erected in 1968.


T. R. Blevins Silver Star Award

The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, July 9, 1918, has awarded the Silver Star to:  (then) first Sergeant Theodore R. Blevins of the United States Army for gallantry in action against the enemy on September 28, 1918, in the vicinity of Montrebeau Woods, France, while assigned to Company B, 139th Infantry, 35th Division, American Expeditionary Forces.  While his company was moving forward through a heavy barrage of machine guns and artillery, First Sergeant Blevins, even though he was not in command of any platoon, got out in front of a skirmish line deployed at wide intervals and ran the whole length of the skirmish line while cautioning the men to keep wide intervals, to keep a straight line and to keep going.  Thus, due to the First Sergeant Blevins’ example of leadership and fearlessness under fire, it enabled the company commander to bring his company through this barrage in a wide skirmish line thereby suffering comparatively few losses and made it possible for the company commander to have perfect control of the company when it reached the objective and assisted in resisting an enemy counterattack, which was already underway when the company arrived at the edge of Montrebeau Woods.  The gallantry displayed by First Sergeant Blevins was in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflects great credit on himself, the 139th Infantry, and the United States Army.



Mr. T.R. Blevins was awarded the Silver Star for service in World War I.  The family of Mr. Blevins presented the Silver Star to Blevins on January 17th, 2006.   The family has requested that this distinguished award be housed at Blevins.


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T.R.Blevins Picture 1T.R.Blevins Picture Silver Star Medal


















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