"Starting with the 2024-25 school year, student transportation for all athletic events will be one-way only, meaning district busses will only be taking athletes to the competition sites. Parents/families will be responsible for ensuring that their athletes are picked up from the competition sites. Please contact Athletic Director Scott Schreiner with any questions or concerns."
Athletic Schedules
Want to see the most up to date athletic schedules, click below:
2024-2025 7th/8th Grade Boys Basketball Season Information
- Preseason Camp: **No preseason camp**
- Tryouts: 10/21/24-10/23/24 2:35-4:10pm in Gym 201; There will be a total of 36 athletes assigned to the 4 teams (18 V/JV, 18 C1/C2)
- Students must have a hard copy of the Physicians Certification form on file in the Front Office.
- Students must have paid the athletic fee. Payment can be made through Schoolpay at https://psdschools.schoolpay.com or cash and check payments can be made in the Front Office. If it is a cut sport then you would pay to tryout then be refunded if your student doesn't make the team.
- Students must have completed the online registration at https://www.psdathletics.org/msreg or complete and return registration packet to the Front Office.
- Remember to bring basketball shoes, athletic clothing and a water bottle.
- Cuts will take place on 10/23/23
- Please pick up promptly at 4:10pm
Varsity/JV Coach-Trey Cormia fcormia@psdschools.org
C1/C2 Coach-Ken Hartley khartley@psdschools.org
Sports Physical Information
- Please keep a copy of your original sports physical and give the Blevins athletic office a copy to have on file.
- Options to complete a sports physical:
- Make an appointment with your primary care physician.
- The Little Clinic: Low cost physicals, 1842 N. College Avenue, (970) 494-6975 (Inside King Soopers). Scheduled and walk-in appointments accepted.
- The Health and Wellness Centers (located at Lincoln Middle School and Centennial High School) offers sports physicals/well child exams June - August. The Center can bill insurance and no child is ever turned away for inability to pay (sliding pay scale also available). For more information visit their website at https://hwcenters.org/ or call their office at 970-488-4900.
- UC Health Urgent Care Harmony Campus- 2127 E. Harmony Rd Suit 140. (970) 297-6250. Walk-Ins welcome.
- Many other free-standing urgent cares offer sports physicals as well.
PSD Athletics Information and Forms
Sports Registration
- Please visit www.psdathletics.org/blevins to locate registration information. As we get closer to the year, please look for sport specific information from our coaches and athletics office.
Please visit https://www.psdathletics.org/Blevins for all things athletics. If you have any difficulty accessing or locating content, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Athletic Dean, Scott Schreiner, or our Athletic Secretary, Nicole West.
Silver Cards are required to participate in all sports. To obtain a Silver Card, students will need to complete the following 3 steps:
- Students must have a hard copy of the Physicians Certification form on file in the Front Office.
- Students must have paid the athletic fee. Payment can be made through Schoolpay at https://psdschools.schoolpay.com or cash and check payments can be made in the Front Office. If it is a cut sport then you would pay to tryout then be refunded if your student doesn't make the team.
- Students must have completed the online registration at https://www.psdathletics.org/msreg or complete and return registration packet to the Front Office.
Want to see the most up to date athletic schedules, click below:
Contact Nicole West with questions regarding athletics nicolew@psdschools.org 970-488-4007