Inspire Every One, Every Day

New School Hours for 2024-2025 7:30-2:25

Inspire Every One, Every Day

Standards Based Grading

What does 4, 3, 2, 1, and 0 mean?

This system translates easily to traditional grades as follows:

Numeral “4” = A = “Advanced” = Exceeds standards/checkpoints for this grading period

Numeral “3”= B = “Proficient” = Meets standards/checkpoints for this grading period

Numeral “2” = C = “Partially Proficient/Developing” = is progressing toward standards/checkpoints for the grading period.

Numeral “1” = D = “In-Progress” or “Emerging” = Does not meet standards/checkpoints for this grading period. Interventions are necessary for standards/checkpoints in this grading period.

Numeral “0” = IE or “Insufficient Evidence” = Interventions are necessary for standards/checkpoints in this grading period.

​Mastery Score Scale Mastery Levels Letter Grade


4 - 3.5-4 Advanced  A

3 - 2.6-3.55 Proficient  B

2 -1.6-2.55 Partially Proficient  C

1 -.6-1.55 In Progress  D

0 - 0-.55 Insufficient Evidence  IE

Standards Based Grading aligns with Blevins’ commitment to provide rigorous curriculum for all students that meet state standards-based requirements. All PSD Middle Schools are practicing Standards Based Grading and Reporting. Many districts around Colorado have utilized this system for several years, and schools throughout the country have been using similar systems for over 20 years. This system of grading and reporting will communicate more effectively a student’s mastery of district/state standards, and the development of student work habits. The advantage of this system over the previous traditional grading system can be demonstrated through the following example:

Charlene is a kindergarten student. The essential learning standard to be achieved is the ability to count to 10. On the first assessment Charlene was only able to count to 2 or 20%. On the next assessment, she was able to count to 3 or (30%). On the following assessment, she was able to count to 5 or (50%). On the final assessment, Charlene met the standard by counting to 10 fluently, with no mistakes. On this final assessment she received 10 out of 10 or 100%. In the traditional grading system her assessments would be averaged and her grade therefore would be a 50% or F. With standards-based grading, Charlene would receive a “4” which would communicate her

proficiency of the standard at an advanced level.

Using this new grading system will more clearly reflect what a student has accomplished regarding his/her learning and what he/she is able to achieve. It will help students, teachers and parents understand who needs additional help to learn the material and what standard needs to be addressed.

How are Content Grades determined?

Content Grades are based on a student’s demonstration of meeting Colorado State Academic Standards on assessments measuring proficiency on district/state standards. Assessments will be weighted as 90% and practice/homework will be weighted 10% of the final grade. Grades will be determined through the use of multiple assessments over time. Retakes of assessments create opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning and are an integral part of a standards-based grading system.

How are Work Habits grades determined?

Work Habits Grades are based on student demonstration of behaviors related to work completion, preparedness for learning, participation, and following classroom expectations. These behaviors contribute to academic success, as well as the ability to be life-long learners and positive contributors to society. Specifically, work habits grades are based on tasks that are assigned for practice or preparation, including homework completion and homework quality and by other factors such as class participation, work ethic, neatness, effort, attendance, punctuality of assignments, class behavior and attitude, student notebooks and journals.

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