- All medications - prescription and non prescription - require forms to be completed.
- Medications need to be unexpired and unopened, in their original packaging (as small as possible) or prescription container with the most current label. Medications must be turned in to the health office, with the appropriate medication authorization form, by the parent/guardian.
- If the parent or guardian is not available to drop off or pick up medication, contact the health office to make other arrangements. Do not send medications with students!
Medication Forms and Procedures
- If you visit the doctor over the Summer, be sure your student is current on all their required vaccinations. Tdap is required for all incoming 6th grade students.
- Please email the health office with a copy of any new vaccinations
PSD Immunization and Exemption Links and Information
Health Office Contact Information:
Fax Number: 488-4011
Health Tech- Becca Dahl : 488-4007
Immunization Requirements:
Colorado Revised Statutes - School Entry Immunizations
Parent immunization letter in 9 other languages
Health Information:
Please inform your school’s health care staff if your child has special health concerns, medications or dietary needs. For information on commonly asked questions regarding student health, please click the links below:
When to Keep Your Child at Home
Medication Administration:
Medication Policy – ALL medications (prescription, over-the-counter, long-term or short-term, or asthma inhaler) require a PSD Authorization and Release to Administer Medication Form signed by both the prescribing practitioner and the parent/guardian. This includes Tylenol, cough drops, etc. The form must be signed by both the parent and prescribing practitioner each year. Medication administration forms are available in the health office and on PSD’s Health Services webpage (click HERE). All medications must be in the original bottle/container/package, whether prescription or over-the-counter. No medications will be accepted in envelopes, plastic bags, etc. All medications will be kept in a locked cabinet in the health office. Students may go down to the health office when medication is needed. Students may carry asthma inhalers and Epi-Pens once a PSD Carry and Self-Administer Prescribed Medicine–Asthma-Allergy Form is completed and on file at the school.