Inspire Every One, Every Day

New School Hours for 2024-2025 7:30-2:25

Inspire Every One, Every Day

5th Grade Family Information

Daily mission statement:

Inspire Every One, Every Day.

Blevins Middle School Vision Statement:

Blevins Middle School exists to welcome and inspire everyone in the learning community in a supportive environment that fosters creative opportunities for middle school students to grow and achieve.

Welcome to Blevins Video

Blevins is a Project Based Learning School

Blevins 5th Grade Transition Information


2025-2026 6th Grade Registration

Welcome to Blevins Middle School! We are excited to welcome your student and help them transition smoothly into 6th grade. The week of February 10th, our Blevins team visited our feeder elementary schools (Bauder, Beattie, Bennett, and Olander) to introduce students to middle school life and discuss course registration. If your student attends one of these schools, they should already have received information about their options. That presentation as well as other helpful information can be found here

Below are the important details for registration and elective selection.

6th Grade Electives

At Blevins, all 6th graders have the opportunity to experience the full variety of elective courses we offer throughout the year, including art, technology, physical education, and more. We have students take all of these options in 6th grade with the ability to specialize in 7th & 8th grade. For 6th graders, the only elective choice students make is their music course, as this selection determines the order and length of their other elective rotations.

Step 1: Choose a Music Course

To help your student make their music selection, please review our 6th Grade Course Guide:
[6th Grade Course Guide (English)]
[6th Grade Course Guide (Español)]

Step 2: Submit Music Course Selection

Once you’ve reviewed the course guide, please enter your student’s music choice using the form below:

📝 Course Registration Form (6th Grade) 

Need Help?

If you have any questions about electives, registration, or the School of Choice process, please contact:

Brian Crego, Registrar


📞 970-488-4008

Anna Burris, School Counselor
📞 970-488-4091

If you or your student have already completed the form and you are on our rolls, then no further action is needed! We look forward to an exciting year ahead and can’t wait to see your student at Blevins!



6th Grade Summer Bruin Club Program

What is it?  

  • Blevins Middle School is excited to partner with Bruin Club to introduce our second summer transition program! Incoming 6th graders will be able to take part in project-based learning and enrichments while becoming comfortable and confident on Blevins’ campus.  

Program Schedule:  

  • To give students a middle school feel, they will rotate through different periods and change classrooms/ teachers. Students will be given a schedule during orientation. Students will only be able to register for 1 of the 2 weeks.

Program Operations:  

  • July 21-July 31 
    • Monday-Thursday 
    • 7am – 2:30pm  

We will send out a flyer with more information to the families in March/April as registration will not open until mid-April. 


5th Grade Transition Dates and Information

  • Blevins offers a one -time tour and shadow visit for any student interested in attending Blevins 
    for the 2025-2026 school year. Please call our Main office at (970) 488-4000 to schedule.
  • Middle School Counselors will Visit Elementary Schools Week of Feb. 10-14, 2025
    • Blevins Counselors will visit the four Feeder Elementary Schools (Bauder, Beattie, Bennett & Olander). If your students does not attend one of these, you can visit the 6th grade transition website for registration information and slideshow.
  • Instrument Try Out Night: Spring 2025 (Exact Date TBD)
    This night is for students who have signed up for Band or Orchestra for 6th grade. Students will try different instruments and parents will get more information.
  • 5th Grade Students Visit Blevins Friday, May 9 2025 9:30-11:00 A.M. (All 5th grade students will be visiting their future middle schools).

5th Grade Transition Dates Flyer

Click Here to Learn More About Blevins

PAWS Poster


PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.